January 12, 2008

Mr 911 – The Giuliani Anthem

When we posted Giulani’s mayoral ad, we didn’t think it would be such a hit. James left a comment pointing us to this gem, all about Mr. 911 himself, Rudolph “Rudy” Giuliani. Please don’t vote for this toolbag.

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December 21, 2007

Top 5 Stock Picks In The Ghetto

Hilarious look into the economic outlooks as predicted by a group of residents from a suburban LA ghetto.

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November 18, 2007

Unintentionally ironic hilarious 1993 Giuliani for Mayor ad with Donna Hanover and kids

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November 8, 2007

PSA – Don’t Sleep With Those Guys

Part 1 of 2 in a very special Punq.org investigative report on douche bags.
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October 26, 2007

Genesis Does What Nintendon’t

Hilarious. Almost as good as the commercial for Robitussin: “Now with maximum strength dextromethorphan!”. They weren’t kidding about the strength. Speaking of Nintendo, something looks a bit funny about Mario and Luigi in this comic.

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